Saturday, 28 May 2011

I'm luvin textiles! and now motorbikes...and ANTONY HEAD!

Today has been fabbbbulouss! It began by going to visit an 'Endangered Madasgascar Exhibition' opening in Bath with My friend Beth, and guess who was cutting the ribbon..the one and only ANTONY HEAD. i love him so mcuh, i still remember him as Giles from Buffy The Vampire, and he doesn't look a day older! AND he came over to tal to us, i was so starstruck! But kept a BEAMING smile on my face whilst talking to him! I got to talk to Antony Head about endangered madagascar, my dream topic convosation :P

Went home and made my top for textiles, on the theme of sunset, not sure how well i bought this across exactly, BUT i really like and very happy with it :) Here are some photo's, sorry about the Blue Mannequin :L 

The back is half netting, at the top of the top, and the bottom half the the same print on Satin, but darker :) And the tassels are pieces of embrodery thread, representing the rays of the sun :)

And then later on my dad came over on his motorbike and we went for a drink at a pub in Schcombe, a cute little village where I went to primary school (up to year 2). I just loveee the bik,e i love the excelling speed, the rush you get when you're on it! I really want for myself, despite everyone saying how dangerous it is, I am fearless!

And Finaly..A song that i'm luvin this week is, Angus And Julia Stone 'Paper Aeorplane'. Enjoy! X

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Pretty Fabric

Imagine a collection created usuing this fabric, fabulous ey? i love the reichness of the colours, the divine look about it and the creativity that can be explored using this fabric!

Sunday, 8 May 2011

A cute song

Taken from the Nissan Juke car advert, and originally sang by Fredrika Stahl, Twinkle Twinkle is a cute song that should be listened to :)

Saturday, 7 May 2011


Fashion Illustration is a beasutful aspect to art, and i love looking at others peoples creations through illustrations, here are a few from Westminister Fashion, some are first year, others are third :)


As I was browsing the internet for universities, I came across Westminister Fashion Uni, and that was where i spent my next hour, my eyes fixed to the beautiful looks that their students had put together from the past few years, and here are a few of my fave :)

BEAUTIFUL, I now have a whole folder dedicated to Westminister Uni! X

Wednesday, 4 May 2011


So, change of plan, I am no longer going to LA..but i'm going to New York instead!!

I'm so excited to visit New York, the birght lights, the multi-cultural restaurants, the mission work and, of course, i cannot wait to see the Statue Of Liberty. It's funny, i;ve always kind of seen myself in New York, and it only just under 4 months until we go, NYC, here we come!!