Thursday, 3 March 2011

I don't understand blogs

So i'm sat here, in my kitchen, waiting for my pizza to cook and trying to suss out how to actually use this thing (the blog). As well as listening to The Fray-Never Say Never. I LOVE THE FRAY. his voice is just..beautiful :) Spent the morning working at the chairty shop, apparantly i'm a HUGE help, which is always nice ot hear!

Hardly taken off my MAX MARA coat :L i love it so much.
Read purpose driven life, chapter 34 on the bus, all about being a servant to God. Annoylingly, people who aren't christians and don't understand God would be very truned of by the word 'servent'. but it's not like we are whipped all the way to church and serve out pastors. No, no, no. It's all about serving God, to make his name look God, helping the church, the poor and needy. And most importantly, doing it with a servers heart. If you're serving at church, however during serving thinking you'd much rather be somewhere else, then that isn't serving at all. I actaully think that Go would prefere us not to serve on that case.

We have become, a veryyy, self-obsessed society. Too many people's purpose is to be sucseful in finance, family and happiness. But where does that ever get you? money will never bring happiness-might for a bit, but not much longer, soon it will all wittle away, and you'll be left with your yourself and the charechter that you have built up. and if that charecter is someone who erlies on materialsm, socialism and wealth, then you're going to end up being a nobody really. #justsayiny.

Pizza is ready now :) BYE  X X X

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