Saturday, 5 March 2011


I  read a section of text from my pupose driven life book to my dad today, is said "Speculating on the exact timing of Christ's return to futile, because Jesus said 'No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, But only the father'. Since Jesus said he didn't even know the day or hour, why should you try to figure it out? What we do know for sure is this: Jesus will not return until everyone God wants to hear the good news has heard it. Jeus said "The Good News about God's kingdom will be preached in all the world,  to every nation. Then the end will come"

So that all refering to when the world is going end, there is your answer in one simple paragraph. But what dad immediatly said when i'd finished reading out, was a question of time? He argued the fact that time was not invented until the Roman period, so therefore he knew man, as in people of not too long ago, must've written the bible. Therefore what i'd just rea out couldnt've been true has Jesus was not aware of time. That I  dis-agree with, annoylingly at the time I couldn't think of a come back. But since thinking about it, my answer would've been that God is the invetor of time, and humans discovered time, there is a HUGE difference. Jesus would've intereacted with time through Gods word. What people get confused with, is that Gods time is on a whole over scale to ours. Thats when it says at the begining the bible in Genesis "God created the universe in 7days", it doesn't mean he created it in 168hours exactly, it could've taken 168minutes or 168,000 years. Doesn't even have to 168 somehting, the point is that Gods timing is so different and we, as humans will never meant to grasp it.

Back to the dis-agreement, i'm not entirly sure how Jesus knew, maybe he didn't, he just trusted in Gods word. The diciples might've even questioned it, they might've known it, but never shared it. Who knowsss.

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